Was reading a friends blog last nyt n it was like something he wrote bout was just me n i started thinking bout it.yeah! y do i preach what i don't practice? i mean,lets see..... I preach DO NOT LIE n i try not to lie but i find myself lieing while i'm still preaching,then i go like GOD'S THE ONLY WAY,ok i try as much as i can to do what is ryt,when its ryt n how its suppose to be done but hey its not easy but hearing me preach to some one could change you but i ain't changing.i mean i got tired of going out every sunday the pastor says "come out my child if u wanna b born again" n i was always dere cos i knew what i did during the week,umh.....Now see me preaching bout SEX N RELATIONSHIPS, DAWM! i'm good,i go like y sleep around if u have one person giving it to you,be a 1 man 1 woman person,this is what to do in a relationship,sh*T! funny thing is some of these things work for some peeps but I! don't go with ma flow,my stuff don't work for me.i say keep it carm but i aint,i say stop being moody but i do,i say don't speed but i speed.dawm i need to change this bout me but least 1 thing i like that i preach n i do is keep trying,yeah i'm trying to do the things i preach or should i just PREACH WHAT I DO!